
SCAN advocates continuous capacity development for Dockworkers’


By Isapa Toromoyan

In order to remain motivated and grow the nation’s economy, Shipping Correspondent Association of Nigeria (SCAN) has called for the continuous capacity development of dockworkers’ across the nation’s ports to keep them updated, relevant and possibly occupationally mobile and adaptable.
Speaking at the 2024 SCAN Dockworkers’ Day, the President of the association, Eugene Agha, said that in yet an import-dependent economy, dockworkers’ are pivotal in translating the efforts to exploit the nation’s near-endleas marine potentials into economic wealth.
According to him, empowering dockworkers’ will help the federal government realise the blue economy potential, saying that Nigeria is well on its way to optimizing the benefits of its abundance ocean endowments with the creation of the new Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy for the maritime sector.
However, he said dockworkers’ engagement throughout the COVID-19 era in order to keep the nation’s economy going, when most other segments the economy were on forced leave.
He said that the dockworkers’ braced the risk of infection and death, just as they contend with the risks of fatal injuries and death in normal time.
“Against this backdrop, and in collaboration with the Maritime Workers’ Union of Nigeria (MWUN), SCAN builds this occasion on the theme; “Dockworkers: Key To Unlocking Nigeria’s Blue Economy.
“Therefore, we have invited you all maritime stakeholders and anchors of the Nigerian economy, to discuss the imperative of capacity building for dockworkers’, considering the future and growth trajectory of the maritime industry in the light of a dynamic and technology-driven operating environment. It is our expectation that the discussions today will establish the way forward in this situation,” he added.
He said as part of SCAN’s to continue celebrating the dockworkers, some exceptional dockworkers’ across the nine districts in the Western Port will be honoured to encourage commitment to duty and legitimate expectations.
Similarly, he said some supportive regulatory agencies and exemplary terminal operators will be honoured in recognition of their contributions to the growth and welfare of the dockworkers.

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